Currently in Class
Looking at my current practice, under a Reading lens... I have 4 groups with reading ages ranging from
9-13+ years. Each group has an assigned levelled Journal / reader which is accompanied by Slides made specifically for that text. The Slides include a variety of comprehension questions, word work, research areas and a create aspect where information and understanding is artistically expressed ready to be Blogged. During the week I see each group at least twice at an instructional level, not including 'on the spot' discussion and check-ins. The main component of instruction is comprehension and understanding of the text.
Interspersed with Group Reading there is usually a Newspaper article from current events that we break down as a whole class. This includes: unpacking any technical language, discussion points and answering a variety of question types. This is also linked, in discussion, to how it relates to each student and their prior knowledge.
There is also Reading that occurs during other curriculum areas most importantly during RE where Scripture is broken down, discussed, integrated and understanding transferred into both historic and current world events.
All areas of Reading are interspersed with Process Drama depending on the situation and the Process which may be the 'Best Fit' for the situation.
My challenge this year is to not only improve the Reading Age of those students Reading Below but in combination work on their Interrogative Skills building on their ability for Reflective Discussion. Whether it be evaluative, inferential or critical literacy the ability to question both intra and interpersonally in depth is advantageous in comprehension of text. There however, is still an Elephant in the Room... inconsistent classroom attendance. Covid is still creating havoc.
Link to Causal Chain
This year my focus, will be continuing with all facets of Process Drama but also introducing a new form of Drama... Mantle of the Expert as a from of Inquiry, where children take on the Role of the Expert.
This type of dramatic role-taking allows the student to explore multiple viewpoints allowing the opportunity to “walk in the shoes” of others. Adoption of multiple perspectives strengthens Reflective Discussion and supports students to understand there are multiple possible answers to any given issue. These rich experiences build not only on character and societal development but also on the visual awareness of setting and context. In short, enhancing Critical Literacy skills.
By altering my pedagogy around the delivery of reading can I make significant changes in these areas?
Can the specific and deliberate use of two types of process drama not only improve Reflective Discussion amongst reluctant contributors but also Critical Literacy.
Approach...what could this look like?
Planning Changes
The importance of maintaining a level of rich texts will remain. I am going to thoroughly investigate the best possible way to introduce Mantle of the Expert into the classroom programme with the understanding it is a very fluid process. I will also continue to thoroughly examine each text and decide which Drama conventions would fit into which parts of each text to ensure the correct sequence for understanding, questioning and vocabulary can be developed. There will be Whole Class text experience but also Group Initiatives where different conventions will be used to develop experts who report back to the whole class. Group Initiatives comes out of my concern that I must continue to push my accomplished readers making sure they are stretched and working independently on personal research or other objectives.
Instructional Lessons
When using Mantle of the Expert I need to ensure I understand the techniques fully and are able to fluidly move within situations depending on the students development as 'experts.' When using other forms of Process Drama within a lesson I need to make sure I have an understanding of each convention, where it fits and maintaining my role making sure it is delivered with clarity and the appropriate questioning. Remembering, my students are 'Reading to Learn.'
Evidence created from conventions, along with vocabulary development must be visible for the students to enable easy access supporting all areas of literacy. I also need to continue my own personal journey understanding the tools available by referring to Mantle of the Expert, Te Rito Toi and other sources like Mitey where new resources and ideas are constantly being uploaded.
PAT/Probe/Rubrik assessment
Using these assessment tools throughout my Inquiry will allow me to make sure correct comparisons have been made in a structured manner. I also need to make use of all anecdotal notes including voice recordings made of appropriate conventions noting improvement in vocab used and questions asked, student to student, during the process.
Student Voice
As part of my overall practice student voice is extremely important. I will continue to ask for opinions, concerns and advice on conventions being used. I also need to notice and make sure the texts used are not only appropriately and also engaging. This can be done by visual observation of the class.
Continual Focus
- Ensure literature is rich and able to be used to its fullest advantage whether Fiction or Non Fiction.
- Link text and create multi modal platforms where possible.
- Link, transfer and integrate understanding and knowledge into other curriculum areas.
- Monitor, observe and audio record with the view to alter intervention if necessary.
- Consider student voice when making text and group decisions.
- Strengthen my own understanding of Process Drama by continual contact with researchers, Professors at the University of Auckland and through Te Rito Toi and Mitey.
- Continue to investigate and further research specifically Mantle of the Expert.
- Gather accurate data mid Inquiry for comparison and update of intervention.
- Gather spontaneous data from audio recording and anecdotal notes to support results.
- Continue working in close proximity with TA supporting those well below students.
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