Preliminary Findings

Preliminary Findings

Individually, each piece of data informs different strengths and weaknesses in the different areas, however there is a cumulative effect.

During 'Hot Seating' the first Voice Memo seemed to be very constrained with one question / one response being recorded by the whole class. Questions were asked in isolation with no follow up or follow through to 'find out more' by digging deeper in particular areas. 

Anecdotally, while watching movement and process while creating a 'Postcard' (where one child is added at a time to replicate a given scene), some students were unable to physically express  themselves as part of a group interpreting a before and after scene. This alluded to the fact that they were unaware of the physical surroundings being portrayed in the story and as such were unable to mentally re-create the situation using spontaneous flexible problem solving. 

Following two very disruptive years differing PAT Reading Comprehension results were not unexpected. We had a range of stanines from 2-9 across both Yr 7 & 8. Some students surprised us while others revelled the evidence of life in a large family living through many lockdowns.

After a very disruptive first term due to continual covid isolation, especially amongst our large families,  E-asTTle writing scores were a grounding reflection. Those who are are strong writers continued their growth in this area while others, who find writing laborious, were impacted even further by the term one disruptions. Writing ranged from being highly descriptive and elaborate to low level and simple. This not only reflected first term issues of 2022 but also the many months of isolation the children experienced in terms 3 & 4 of 2021. This was especially noted in the children who attended Class meetings while in lockdown, however, failed to submit any completed tasks for writing.

Due to Illness I haven't been able to administer any Probe testing. This I will continue to work on so I do have a comparison for the end of the year.


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